A Year in Review: 2016-2017 report from ISA Hamilton president Kostas Apostolou

2016-2017 Year End Report from our ISA Hamilton President: Kostas Apostolou

ISAHamilton_2017-AGM_group-photo_squareAs we are getting ready for the 2017-2018 season, I would like to thank the Executive, all volunteers, and all event attendees for a successful 2016-2017 season.  We delivered our flagship annual events —the EXPO and the golf tournament— with significantly increased participation at the EXPO and provided two members’ meeting —one in January on “Engineering & Policy Challenges with Ontario’s Electricity System” and a tour of the Roxul plant in Milton during the Annual General Meeting in May.  We also continued our efforts to integrate with the community through membership to the Advisory Boards at McMaster University’s and Mohawk College’s Instrumentation & Automation related Programs.   We finally get the new generation of automation professionals excited about the organization and its value by support initiatives that include subsidizing student memberships and student participation at the ISA International Games in Calgary, AB.

ISA-Hamilton_2017Expo_IMG_20170328_105428Looking at the upcoming year one of my major objectives is to increase the section’s membership and active participation.  To that end, we plan on having more regular member meeting and possibly two plant tours (one in Fall and one in Winter).  You will continue to be informed about our activities through our regular eNews and the website, but you are also encouraged to participate in the Section’s Executive.  There are positions for all levels of expertise and for all levels of time commitment. It is a collegial, members-run section where you can develop your leadership skills and make significant difference.

Another major objective is to activate a local student chapter.  Student interest is increasing, thanks to the initiatives undertaken the last two years; we anticipate that this core of students, with help from the Executive, will lead the formation of a student chapter within McMaster University.  We are definitely committed to supporting this chapter; as education is one of our primary missions.

IMG_20170123_183822We also look forward to hosing the District 13 Leaders Conference in our jurisdiction next year —for those unfamiliar with ISA terminology, this is a meeting where section leaders from Eastern Canada discuss ISA issues— and work with all Canadian ISA Sections to bring international ISA events to Canada.

I hope you will all have a productive and rejuvenating summer.  Looking forward to seeing you again in the Fall.

Warmest Regards,

Kostas Apostolou,
ISA Hamilton Section President

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