ISA Hamilton sends McMaster students to ISA Student Games in Calgary, AB – Trip Report

ISA-student-games_mar2016_photo3The 2016 ISA Instrumentation Games at the South Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) from March 10 to 12, 2016 were a big success.  ISA Hamilton co-sponsored, with McMaster University, a team of four undergraduate students to participate at this year’s Games; the first time McMaster is participating.  In Calgary, the students met with another 56 students from Canada and USA, were placed in teams with students from schools other than their own, and competed in four tasks.  It all started with a lively social mixer on Thursday evening at a local pub, continued with competitions on Friday and Saturday, and ended with a well-deserved, but short, trip to Banff on Sunday.

ISA-student-games_mar2016_photo1During the Games, Canaan, Michael, Jordan, and Simran, the four McMaster students, made connections with peers from other schools in Canada and US, measured themselves against them, worked efficiently in ad-hoc formed teams, were challenged (they will long remember the DeltaV commissioning task) and had a blast!  It’s worth mentioning that Michael’s team finished third and Jordan’s team finished second; so, they came back home wearing medals.  All of them, though, brought back lasting memories and friendships.  Congratulations.

ISA Hamilton is thrilled to have facilitated this memorable student experience.  We also hope to have most of the students share their experiences at the next Annual General Meeting.  Many thanks to our ISA Hamilton Student Liaison Dr. Konstantinos (Kostas) Apostolou of McMaster University for organizing the student team.

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