In May 2019, ISA Hamilton traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina, USA to participate in the ISA’s 2019 ISA Strategic Leaders Meeting. Representing ISA Hamilton were long-time volunteer leaders Brent Killins and Graham Nasby. The event was kicked off by ISA society president Paul Gruhn and ISA society executive director Mary Ramsey on Saturday May 18. This was followed 2 days of strategic planning meetings where society leaders, from around the globe, worked together to plot the path forward for the upcoming 5 years. The ISA Executive Board met several times, and work sessions were carried out by the Geographic Assembly, Technical Assembly, and Operational Assembly. Brent Killins, as our District 13 DVP, also worked to ensure the the geographic assembly was responsive to the needs of our section. The ISA 112 SCADA Systems Standards committee also had a very successful all day meeting on Friday, May 17, 2019.