The ISA Hamilton Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tues, May 26, 2015 in Room ETB/223 at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario.
At our annual business meeting, ISA Hamilton president Brent Killins will give a report on our section’s activities during the past year, and lead a discussion on the goals/projects for the coming year for our section. After the business meeting, Brent will then present a technical talk on the benefits of Combustion Analysis and how instrumentation plays a major role in this activity.
Guest Speaker: Combustion Analysis – What, Why, How?
Speaker: Brent Killins, Westech
Date: May 26, 2015
McMaster University – Engineering Technology Building (ETB) – Room ETB/223,
1280 Main St W, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8 Canada
+ Google Map
Topic Details:
Common misconceptions about combustion measurement will be addressed and a brief overview of the theory behind O2 and Combustible measurements, where in the process they should take place and the popular and upcoming technologies for measurement in this field.
Brent Killins is and industry professional with over 10 years experience in the application of process instrumentation, with a primary focus in the field of process analyzers. He is active within ISA and sits on multiple committees and is the current President of the ISA Hamilton Section.