ISA Hamilton to send delegates to 2014 ISA Fall Leaders Meeting

ISA-HamiltonExpo2011_040a_NWWe are pleased to announce that ISA Hamilton board members Brent Killins and Graham Nasby will be attending the ISA’s society-level Fall Leaders Meeting on Nov 8-12, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. As part of the meetings, Brent and Graham will be participating is several society-level committees and functions.

Our section president Brent will be acting as our official representative of ISA Hamilton. In this capacity he will be attending ISA District 13 council meetings and acting as our delegate at the society-level Council of Society Delegates (CSD). The CSD is the highest decision making authority ISA, and meets each fall as part of the annual general meeting for the association. Brent will also be meeting with his colleagues in the ISA’s Analysis Technical Division.

Graham, who is our section past-president and current director of the ISA Water/Wastewater Technical Division, will be attending several division meetings, including the annual board meeting for the Water/Wastewater Division, as well as meetings for the ISA18 alarm management standards committee. Graham will also be participating in section/district meetings as his schedule permits.

The Fall Leaders Meeting bring ISA leaders from all around world together where conduct society business and participate in visioning sessions for the society’s long term planning. Both Graham and Brent are looking forward participating in the FLM’s workshops and attending the ISA’s annual Honours and Awards Gala. More information about the ISA Fall Leaders Meeting can be found at

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