New website fully deployed/launched

isa-hamilton-website-snapshot_mar2014_squareWe are pleased to announce that our new website is now fully deployed at

ISA Hamilton Section’s new website is now online at   Our new website makes use of an online content management system called “WordPress” along with several specialized “plug-ins.”  (The temporary web address has now set to point to our new website as well. We had been using the .CA address to test our new website as it was being developed.)

A big thank you to our long-time section webmaster Wally Nickel and section president Graham Nasby who have both been working on the new website for the past six months. Wally is looking forward to making use of our new website platform as it will make doing website updates much easier. The new website features re-designed homepage, a new blog, an event management system, online sign-ups for our eNews, an online eNews archive, better placements for sponsor logos, and an easier to use menu system. The result is a modern looking website that is easier to update and provides more information about the section. We invite you to  browse our website.  Feel free to pass on any comments of feedback to Wally at

Note: All of our existing e-mail addresses continue to function as normal just like they did for the old website.

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